We're Going to Change the World Tour Frequently Asked Questions about the We're Going to Change the World Tour
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ecause the We're Going to Change the World Toursm has traveled and set-up hundreds of times throughout the years, here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions which helps to make a smooth transition performing this memorable assembly.

Q. Is there anything the school needs to prepare before we arrive?

Please ensure that the stage and performance area is cleared completely of all chairs, pianos and other equipment. It should be swept or mopped clean prior to our arrival.

Q. Are there any technical requirements the school should have?
Yes. The requirements for lighting and electrical supply are based on your facility and the complexity of the performance. You are encouraged to contact us to discuss options and details.

Q. Should there be anyone available to help with the stage crew?
We may need a crew to assist us load the show into your performance space, help backstage and then load the equipment back out into our truck. The exact number of crew members is based on the complexity of the show. Please feel free to contact us for information.

Q. Are there any special requirements the school should prepare for our arrival?
Yes. Also needed are five regular size ordinary carrots per performance. These are a "must" for one of our magic routines and it is very hard for us to keep them handy when we are touring. For instance, if we are performing three shows for you, please have 15 carrots.

Q. Is photography and videotaping allowed during the performance?
Absolutely NO video taping or audio taping is allowed during the performance. Still photography is allowed, but please use a film that is fast enough so that a flash is not necessary. Flash may be used only if it is kept to a minimum..


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